Archive for the ‘Non Technical’ Category

Props to the doc!

January 26, 2017

Sending out props to my primary physician for calling in a prescription for an asthma inhaler without me having to take an in-office appointment.

I know that it doesn’t seem like much but small acts of kindness like this restore my faith in health care providers a smidgin.

On the converse side, I send a proverbial brick to my other physician who charged me a $25 surcharge for refilling a prescription, even though I had an office visit scheduled.

Yeah, bad planning on my part doesn’t constitute an emergency on your part, but does it really cost you THAT much time to write up a prescription????? Really?

Feeling sick

January 31, 2008

I’ve been feeling horrible since Tuesday -asthma really flaring up. Hoping that staying home today, getting lots of fluids and rest, will let me end the week with a bang tomorrow.